Hello World!

I have a creative itch that I really need to scratch. And until now, I either couldn’t or wouldn’t do it. Something was always holding me back – the medium was wrong, or I didn’t have full control, or I was just feeling lazy or burnt out that day. Not any more. Now that this website is up and running, my last excuse is gone.

I want to write.

I’ve had thoughts swirl around my head for days, begging to come out. Sometimes, if I was sufficiently motivated, those thoughts would turn into an unsatisfactory note or post somewhere. Maybe I got halfway through a draft before running out of steam. Most likely, the idea never made it to paper or screen at all, and is still somewhere in the recesses of my brain.

This post is the first piece of evidence to show, hopefully, that’s all in the past. I’m not sure what I’ll write about, but I do know that I haven’t ruled anything out yet. You can head on over to the About Me page to get a feel for who I am – it’s pretty safe to say that anything I mention there is fair game to be written about, and sooner rather than later. That itch is rather pent up after all this time.

This is the start of an experiment, but it’s still only the start. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you’ll come back for more. And future Andrew, when you make your way to this post again, I hope it’ll be out of pride for what it started.

Here’s to new beginnings,